Welcome to Ladies First Photography. We specialize in portraiture for ladies of all ages, especially flat wall art, composit albums, and web ready imaging. From Maternity and Newborn, Senior and Pre-Teen or Tweens, Professional, glamour and pinup. We do location work serving the Cedar Rapids area and the Quad Cites area and beyond. Check out our links on the side for samples of a bit of what we do. Then contact us to schedule your session. Book early to have your time guaranteed.
You deserve the quality. You have love quality. You earned quality. Ladies First Photography is quality.
Ladies work hard every day. Whether a stay at home mom, business owner, office manager, lawyer, accountant, engineer, waitress, student, day care help, cook… your day is full. You are in charge, but it some days it seems the day controls you.
You deserve the quality. You have love quality. You earned quality. Ladies First Photography is quality.
We know that you are overloaded. Your time is valuable. You deserve “Me” time and want to use it wisely. Ladies First Photography values your “Me” time and want to help you use it efficiently.
Our Mission at Ladies First Photography is to deliver the most efficient, enjoyable, quality filled portrait session. Whether a professional session, general portrait session, or glamour/boudoir session, your time will be well spent and your finished product will be one to be proud.
Ladies First Photography enjoys our ability to support LIVEFIT WITH LUPUS. These cookbooks are for sale at www.livefitwithlupus.org.
Cookbook cover portrait by Ladies First Photography and front and back cover design by A New Wave of Sights and Sounds.

LIVEFIT WITH LUPUS in Fourth Annual Golf outing. Pictures here!